Find out about the Mānawatia a Matariki logo, and download it for your use. Watch videos about how to find Matariki and the major principles that underpin Matariki. Gather resources for your kura or school to grow a better understanding of Matariki.
Matariki Logo – Terms of Use
The Mānawatia a Matariki tohu is a copyrighted work commissioned by Te Arawhiti. It is gifted to the people of Aotearoa New Zealand to share in the celebration of Matariki by using it for non-commercial purposes.
Term of use
We grant you a license to use this logo so long as you comply with the following terms:
- Matariki is deeply entwined with Māori culture. We therefore ask that this logo is used respectfully for genuine purposes to support, celebrate and educate people about Matariki.
- This logo is the creation of Tāmaki Mākaurau design company Extended Whānau. We ask that you respect what they have created by not altering or modifying the logo in anyway (stretching, compacting etc). There are a number of layouts available to suit the majority of uses.
- This logo is free to use but must not be used for commercial gain. This means you may not sell any product branded with the logo for a profit. If you aren’t sure whether your use is for commercial purposes please get in touch with us at
- Avoid using the logo on food and in areas where it could be easily dirtied, damaged or destroyed. This includes using the logo on the floor. This logo must not be used in association with illegal activities, drugs, alcohol, gambling, fast food or tobacco.
If we find that you have used the logo in breach of these terms we may terminate your license to use the logo, and request that you immediately stop using the logo and delete or destroy any copies of the logo in your possession.
Printing your own merchandise
If you would like to use the tohu on merchandise such as clothing, bags, drink bottles etc, you can apply by emailing You must organise your own supplier for the merchandise and printing.
You may recoup the cost of paying for the merchandise and screen-printing from members of your organisation, whānau, marae school/kura, sports team or community group but you must not charge a mark-up or make a profit from any product bearing the logo.
The license to use the tohu has been provided on these terms and could be revoked if you use the license for commercial gain.
If you have used the logo in breach of these terms we may terminate your license to use the logo, and request that you immediately stop using the logo and delete or destroy any copies of the logo in your possession.
Guidance and promotional resources
Social media square

Landscape poster 1200x600

Poster 1080x1360

Banner 500x150

Email signature 468x60

Matariki Heri Kai kaupapa
Guide to Celebrating Matariki

A black t-shirt artwork.

A3 poster

A4 poster

Social Media Story

Digital banner

Desktop background

Email Signature

Social Media Square

Video resouces
Learn about the major principles of Matariki, the theme for 2024 and stars that relate to Matariki Heri Kai. Find out how to locate the Matariki star cluster, and watch a hautapu ceremony.
How to find the Matariki star cluster
Ngā Mātāpono – Principles
Matariki Heri Kai - The Feast of Matariki
Ngā whetu o Matariki - the stars of Matariki
Thousands celebrate Matariki across Aotearoa
Matariki 2024 national broadcast
Karakia Booklet
To assist us on our Matariki journey, Te Arawhiti has published this resource to celebrate and educate readers about the traditions and cultural importance of Matariki.
This booklet, featuring karakia written by Tā Pou Temara and Professor Rangi Matamua, equips us with the relevant knowledge to understand the traditions of Matariki, while reflecting and cementing Matariki as an integral part of our society – to be enjoyed, not only by Māori and Indigenous communities, but by Aotearoa New Zealand as a whole.
There is a digital and printable version of the booklet and individual posters you can download.
Digital and printable booklet and posters
Printable Matariki Karakia Booklet

Themes of Matariki











Matariki Karakia Booklet

Te Papa resources and activities
Te Papa Tongarewa have created a range of activities and rauemi to to help you celebrate this Matariki period Do these activities with your friends and whānau, in your class/akomanga and
share some of your Matariki learnings.
Education resources
Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | The Ministry of Education has developed a new set of curriculum resources, to support kōhanga reo, early learning, kura and schools to recognise and celebrate the inaugural Matariki rā whakatā ā-ture in their communities.